CyCraft Secures Small, Medium, and Large Orgs for the 2020s

Taipei, Taiwan — 22 December 2020 — CyCraft Technology, the fastest-growing cybersecurity firm in Asia, announced the release of their latest report, Securing Small, Medium, and Large Orgs for the 2020s. The report, which goes into thorough detail on SOC (security operation center) functions, SOC roles and responsibilities, SOC stressors, and how to model effective and efficient SOCs for small, medium, and large organizations, also includes research from Gartner, Inc. on why Midsize enterprises should embrace MDR providers.

Download your guide to security in the 2020s here.
“Small and mid-sized organizations often do not have the resources to fully address the complexity, variability, speed, and sophistication of modern cyber threats. These orgs often face the same cyber threats that large orgs do, putting them at a distinct disadvantage. To address those challenges, small and mid-sized organizations are increasingly adopting cost-effective MDR.”

CyCraft, Securing Small, Medium, and Large ORgs for the 2020s, 22 December 2020

CyCraft MDR (Managed Detection and Response) includes the use of CyCraft AIR — an AI-powered digital forensics, threat detection and response platform designed by CyCraft Technology. CyCraft AIR specializes in malicious behavior detection and is capable of continuously monitoring and managing the cyber situation of even large scale enterprises with hundreds of thousands of endpoints. CyCraft AIR provides automated threat triage, auto-prioritized alerts, correlation analyses, auto-investigations, and enables smart and strategic incident response.

Benson Wu, CyCraft Founder & CEO

“CyCraft strives for human-AI collaboration in cybersecurity. In two years, we developed and put into operation an innovative AI-powered SecOps platform, CyCraft AIR — effectively orchestrating endpoint telemetry, MITRE ATT&CK context, global threat intelligence for optimized situation awareness, and efficiently managing millions of endpoints from government and enterprise customers in the Asia-Pacific region.”

Benson Wu, CyCraft Founder & CEO

CyCraft customers can prevent cyber intrusions from escalating into business-altering incidents. From endpoint to network, from investigation to blocking, from in-house to cloud, CyCraft AIR covers all aspects required to provide small, medium, and large organizations with the proactive, intelligent, and adaptable security solutions needed to defend from all manner of modern security threats with real-time protection and visibility across the organization.

“Due to the complexity, speed, and sophistication of modern business and modern cyber attackers, 100% prevention is impossible, so organizations have turned to a detection and response framework, which they are finding difficult to fully bring to fruition, so they are further seeking solutions despite the proliferation of in-house focused tools and vendors. Many organizations find that turning to MDR (managed detection and response) is the only solution that gets the results they need to fully address modern cyber threats.”

CyCraft, Securing Small, Medium, and Large Orgs for the 2020s, 22 December 2020

CyberTotal, CyCraft’s Cyber Treat Intelligence Platform

In the past year, CyCraft outperformed all other MITRE ATT&CK® Evaluation vendors in Technique, Tactic, and General detections with zero configuration changes. CyCraft AIR and CyberTotal both received the Best of Show Grand Prize Award for Security Solutions at Interop Tokyo 2020; and CyCraft received 20+ 2020 Cybersecurity Excellence awards for categories like Managed Detection and Response, Incident Response, Threat Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence. CyCraft is a proud member of FIRST, a premier organization for incident response security teams.

Download your guide to security in the 2020s here.


Gartner does not co-host or sponsor this specific publication; nor does Gartner endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in their research publications or not endorse any vendor, product, or service not depicted in their research publications. Gartner research consists of the opinions of Gartner’s research analysts and should not be interpreted as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed, or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Writer: CyCraft


CyCraft(サイクラフト)は、AIによる自動化技術を専門とするサイバーセキュリティ企業。2017年に設立され、台湾に本社、日本とシンガポールに海外拠点を持つ。アジア太平洋地域の政府機関、警察・防衛機関、銀行、ハイテク製造業にサービスを提供している。CyCraft の AI技術 と機械学習技術によるソリューションが評価され、CID グループ とテマセク・ホールディングス旗下のパビリオンキャピタルから強力なサポートを獲得し、また、国際的トップ研究機構である Gartner、 IDC、Frost & Sullivan などから複数の項目において評価を受けている他、国内外の著名な賞をいくつも受賞している。また、国内外を含む複数のセキュリティコミュニティ、カンファレンスに参画し、長年にわたりセキュリティ業界の発展に尽力している。

CyCraft ニュースレター購読

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